Policies and Procedures
Click here for our Covid-19 Protocols
Daycare Guidance and Discipline
The safety and well-being of all of the children in care is our main concern.
Measures that prevent inappropriate behaviour will be used at all times, so that misbehaviour will occur less often. Some examples of preventative measures are: establishing respectful relationships between the children and staff; anticipating potential conflicts; providing an appropriate array of activities; setting consistent limits; maintaining a well-kept environment; and reinforcing positive behaviour.
When the need arises, the teachers will use only age-appropriate, positive forms of discipline, which will help the child develop self discipline, responsibility and self-esteem, such as: discussion; offering appropriate choices; setting realistic limits; encouragement; and modeling appropriate behaviour.
Dangerous and destructive behaviour will be quickly stopped. Children exhibiting such behaviour may need more help than the staff are able to give them at the time, and may need to have their parents notified for removal from the program, if their safety, or the safety of others is at risk.
Physical, emotional and psychological punishments will not be permitted by staff or parents, while a child is under the care of the Salmo Children’s Centre. This includes, but is not limited to, spanking, shaking, rough handling, humiliation, rejection, withholding food, isolation, or deprivation of basic needs.
The Salmo Child Care Society recognizes their responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all children attending the programs. In the event that any allegation of suspected abuse or neglect is made in the childcare program, the licensee or any appointed designate member will contact the Licensing officer, and the RCMP immediately.
All caregivers must, by law, report any suspicions of child abuse to the Ministry for Children and Family Development. It is the responsibility of the Director or Designate to ensure that all employees are familiar with the indicators of abuse and neglect, what to do when receiving a disclosure from a child or parent, and child abuse in the child care program.
Any allegation of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse or neglect within the Centre will be reported to the Child Care Licensing Officer.
The Salmo Children’s Centre must have a completed registration form, and have received a non-refundable $10.00 membership fee, before a child can be permitted to attend a program at the Centre. Receipt of the membership fee constitutes membership for one adult per family. Members in good standing are eligible to vote at our Annual General Meeting.
Junior Kindergarten classes run from September until June. When a child is registered for Junior Kindergarten it is assumed that they are attending for the whole school year unless otherwise stated. Mid-year registration will be accepted, space permitting.
Daycare and School-Age Care is booked on a monthly basis. Drop-in bookings are only for registered children already attending at this time.
Waitlist Procedure
Parents requesting to be on the waitlist will be forwarded a "Waitlist Application Form." Children will be considered to be on the waitlist when their form is received and dated by administration staff at the Centre. The waitlist will be considered "full" or "closed" at 20 children, and will be re-opened when the list is below 15 children.
Children must be accompanied to the teacher, by the person dropping them off. Children will be signed in upon arrival. Children attending after school care will be expected to arrive to Room 100 in a timely manner. We stay in close contact with the school office to ensure the safe arrival of all of the children registered in the program.
Children will not be permitted to leave with an unauthorized person. Staff must be made aware of who will be picking up your child. Children will be signed out upon departure. Billing is based on the days registered and the information on the sign-in sheets.
Upon suspicion that the adult, who is picking up a child from the Children’s Centre, is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, is mentally unstable, or is unable to provide safe transportation, the staff will take the following steps to ensure the safety of the child:
If a child is left at the Salmo Children’s Centre after 5:30 pm, the staff will attempt to call the alternate contacts on the registration form. If no one can be reached, the Ministry for Children and Family Development will be called to arrange for a child protection worker to come for the child.
Cancellation Policy - effective November 1, 2022
-Clients will be billed for ALL reserved spaces.
* A minimum of two weeks notice is required in writing via email or a phone call to withdraw completely from any of the Salmo Children's Centre Programs, without being billed.
-Parents/guardians are still expected to notify the Centre if their child will be absent from any of the programs on any given day.
Payment of Accounts
Invoices will be emailed to the address on your registration form, monthly.
Daycare, School-Age Care and Junior Kindergarten fees are billed after the end of each month. Effective January 1st, 2025 families will be billed at the first of each month. A late payment fee of $10.00 may be billed for amounts left outstanding after 30 days. Parents are billed for all days booked, so no refunds will be granted.
Payment can be made in person, at the Children’s Centre, by cheque or cash. For customers of Kootenay Savings Credit Union, payment can be made on-line if you add the Salmo Child Care Society as a payee. E-mail transfers to [email protected] are also accepted.
Sick Child
There are three important issues to consider when determining when a child is too ill to attend the Salmo Children’s Centre:
With these points in mind please keep your child home if: he is too sick to participate in the normal daily activities; if he has a fever; if he has diarrhea or vomiting; if he has a communicable disease that necessitates exclusion (examples are whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, pink eye, impetigo, ringworm)
Children who have been on antibiotics for 24 hours, or with a common upper respiratory infection (cold) do not need to be excluded from the program, if they are feeling fine. The parent will be notified if symptoms worsen. Please share health information on a regular basis, and let staff know if another family member is ill. (Please see Covid Policy)
If a child becomes ill while in the care of the Salmo Children’s Centre, parents or other authorized contacts will be called to take the child home. If your child has a fever or diarrhea we ask that they are kept home for at least 24 hours. A sick child may be temporarily removed from the group, under the accompaniment of a staff member, and allowed to rest or play independently.
Medication can be administered by staff, upon the request of a parent, if the following procedure is followed:
Food and Personal Supplies
We are a NUT FREE Centre. Seeds are welcome.
Parents are responsible for providing healthy food and drink according to Canada’s food guide. We will promote healthy eating and nutritional habits according to the "Division of Responsibility" model (posters in the classrooms.) Parents supply all of the food and extra clothing etc required by their child. (we are currently doing a trial of providing diapers and sunscreen/sunshirts) Enough healthy food should be provided to allow the children to eat every two to three hours. One substantial morning snack, a full lunch, and a substantial afternoon snack are recommended for a full day of care. More food may be required if a child is in attendance for a longer period of time.
Parents of Daycare and Junior Kindergarten children are responsible for providing all of the food for their child.
School-Age children will be expected to save something from their school lunch to eat as an after school snack. If you prefer to leave snacks at the Centre for your child, you are welcome to do so.
Parents of children in the infant/toddler program will be responsible for providing all of the food for their child.
We occasionally cook with the children, or bring special items for them to try. Parents will be informed of any food or drink that are fed or provided by staff. Allergies will be considered.
Please save candy, juice boxes and junk food for home.
Play clothing should be worn by children attending the Children’s Centre, so as not to restrict your child’s involvement in any activities (ie. Painting, gluing, sand play). The Children’s Centre does not guarantee that clothing will not get accidentally soiled or damaged, and will not be held responsible for replacing damaged clothing.
The children and Educators go outside EVERYDAY (sometimes twice) in ALL weather. Appropriate outdoor clothing should be supplied on a daily basis. This includes a toque, 2 pairs of mittens, snowpants, and warm winter boots for winter, or a sun hat and shorts or light clothing in the summer. Having the appropriate outdoor gear makes our outside time more enjoyable for everyone.
Indoor shoes or slippers should be supplied on a daily basis, and should be worn for protection, or to go outdoors in case of an emergency.
Affordable Child Care Benefit
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has a special fund called the Affordable Child Care Benefit, which is available to help families cover the costs of childcare. A simple income test will determine if you are eligible to receive these benefits. Many families qualify, since the income threshold is $111,000.00 per year. Please check out the program application at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/caring-for-young-children/child-care-funding/child-care-benefit/apply
Parent Involvement
Parents are welcome to drop in to spend time with their child at any time during the programs. We welcome any assistance a parent can give, or any talent a parent can share.
As a non-profit society, we will be faced with the task of fundraising at times to meet our expenses. Parent assistance with fundraising is necessary and very appreciated.
Field Trips
The Children’s Centre programs will occasionally have the opportunity to participate in field trips away from the Centre. You will receive prior notice of a field trip, and will be asked to sign a permission slip so that your child can participate.
Please indicate on the registration form, if you give permission for us to use your child's photo (not name) in promotional material including our website.
You will periodically receive emails. You will be expected to read the emails in order to stay informed about Children’s Centre activities. Please take time to read the bulletin boards too.
If you have a concern or comment about the Children’s Centre, the staff would be happy to have your input. If they cannot help you, please see the Director. The Director may refer you to a Board Member if unable to be of assistance.
To make informed decisions may at times involve sensitive, private information. We have the responsibility to request only the information legitimately required to make these decisions. Information will be requested on a need-to-know basis and the confidentiality of this information will be maintained.
The safety and well-being of all of the children in care is our main concern.
Measures that prevent inappropriate behaviour will be used at all times, so that misbehaviour will occur less often. Some examples of preventative measures are: establishing respectful relationships between the children and staff; anticipating potential conflicts; providing an appropriate array of activities; setting consistent limits; maintaining a well-kept environment; and reinforcing positive behaviour.
When the need arises, the teachers will use only age-appropriate, positive forms of discipline, which will help the child develop self discipline, responsibility and self-esteem, such as: discussion; offering appropriate choices; setting realistic limits; encouragement; and modeling appropriate behaviour.
Dangerous and destructive behaviour will be quickly stopped. Children exhibiting such behaviour may need more help than the staff are able to give them at the time, and may need to have their parents notified for removal from the program, if their safety, or the safety of others is at risk.
Physical, emotional and psychological punishments will not be permitted by staff or parents, while a child is under the care of the Salmo Children’s Centre. This includes, but is not limited to, spanking, shaking, rough handling, humiliation, rejection, withholding food, isolation, or deprivation of basic needs.
The Salmo Child Care Society recognizes their responsibility to ensure the safety and well being of all children attending the programs. In the event that any allegation of suspected abuse or neglect is made in the childcare program, the licensee or any appointed designate member will contact the Licensing officer, and the RCMP immediately.
All caregivers must, by law, report any suspicions of child abuse to the Ministry for Children and Family Development. It is the responsibility of the Director or Designate to ensure that all employees are familiar with the indicators of abuse and neglect, what to do when receiving a disclosure from a child or parent, and child abuse in the child care program.
Any allegation of emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse or neglect within the Centre will be reported to the Child Care Licensing Officer.
The Salmo Children’s Centre must have a completed registration form, and have received a non-refundable $10.00 membership fee, before a child can be permitted to attend a program at the Centre. Receipt of the membership fee constitutes membership for one adult per family. Members in good standing are eligible to vote at our Annual General Meeting.
Junior Kindergarten classes run from September until June. When a child is registered for Junior Kindergarten it is assumed that they are attending for the whole school year unless otherwise stated. Mid-year registration will be accepted, space permitting.
Daycare and School-Age Care is booked on a monthly basis. Drop-in bookings are only for registered children already attending at this time.
Waitlist Procedure
Parents requesting to be on the waitlist will be forwarded a "Waitlist Application Form." Children will be considered to be on the waitlist when their form is received and dated by administration staff at the Centre. The waitlist will be considered "full" or "closed" at 20 children, and will be re-opened when the list is below 15 children.
Children must be accompanied to the teacher, by the person dropping them off. Children will be signed in upon arrival. Children attending after school care will be expected to arrive to Room 100 in a timely manner. We stay in close contact with the school office to ensure the safe arrival of all of the children registered in the program.
Children will not be permitted to leave with an unauthorized person. Staff must be made aware of who will be picking up your child. Children will be signed out upon departure. Billing is based on the days registered and the information on the sign-in sheets.
Upon suspicion that the adult, who is picking up a child from the Children’s Centre, is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, is mentally unstable, or is unable to provide safe transportation, the staff will take the following steps to ensure the safety of the child:
- Staff will request that the adult not leave the premises with the child. This is a legal obligation of the staff.
- The staff or parent may call an alternate adult to pick up the child.
- If the adult insists on leaving with their child, the staff is obligated to notify local police and will inform the police of the license plate number of the vehicle the adult is driving, and the direction they are headed.
- Ministry of Children and Family Development may be notified.
If a child is left at the Salmo Children’s Centre after 5:30 pm, the staff will attempt to call the alternate contacts on the registration form. If no one can be reached, the Ministry for Children and Family Development will be called to arrange for a child protection worker to come for the child.
Cancellation Policy - effective November 1, 2022
-Clients will be billed for ALL reserved spaces.
* A minimum of two weeks notice is required in writing via email or a phone call to withdraw completely from any of the Salmo Children's Centre Programs, without being billed.
-Parents/guardians are still expected to notify the Centre if their child will be absent from any of the programs on any given day.
Payment of Accounts
Invoices will be emailed to the address on your registration form, monthly.
Daycare, School-Age Care and Junior Kindergarten fees are billed after the end of each month. Effective January 1st, 2025 families will be billed at the first of each month. A late payment fee of $10.00 may be billed for amounts left outstanding after 30 days. Parents are billed for all days booked, so no refunds will be granted.
Payment can be made in person, at the Children’s Centre, by cheque or cash. For customers of Kootenay Savings Credit Union, payment can be made on-line if you add the Salmo Child Care Society as a payee. E-mail transfers to [email protected] are also accepted.
Sick Child
There are three important issues to consider when determining when a child is too ill to attend the Salmo Children’s Centre:
- The protection of other children from communicable disease
- The comfort and safety of the child who is ill
- The capacity of the staff to look after the ill child
With these points in mind please keep your child home if: he is too sick to participate in the normal daily activities; if he has a fever; if he has diarrhea or vomiting; if he has a communicable disease that necessitates exclusion (examples are whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, pink eye, impetigo, ringworm)
Children who have been on antibiotics for 24 hours, or with a common upper respiratory infection (cold) do not need to be excluded from the program, if they are feeling fine. The parent will be notified if symptoms worsen. Please share health information on a regular basis, and let staff know if another family member is ill. (Please see Covid Policy)
If a child becomes ill while in the care of the Salmo Children’s Centre, parents or other authorized contacts will be called to take the child home. If your child has a fever or diarrhea we ask that they are kept home for at least 24 hours. A sick child may be temporarily removed from the group, under the accompaniment of a staff member, and allowed to rest or play independently.
Medication can be administered by staff, upon the request of a parent, if the following procedure is followed:
- Medication must be in its original container, clearly labeled with the child’s name
- A ‘Consent to Administer Medication’ form must be filled out by the parent with full instructions for administering (including time and amount to be given). Staff will initial the form when they administer the dosage.
- Storage instructions must be specified
- Medication will be kept in a locked location to ensure the safety of the children. Parents will be responsible for retrieval of the medication from the staff.
Food and Personal Supplies
We are a NUT FREE Centre. Seeds are welcome.
Parents are responsible for providing healthy food and drink according to Canada’s food guide. We will promote healthy eating and nutritional habits according to the "Division of Responsibility" model (posters in the classrooms.) Parents supply all of the food and extra clothing etc required by their child. (we are currently doing a trial of providing diapers and sunscreen/sunshirts) Enough healthy food should be provided to allow the children to eat every two to three hours. One substantial morning snack, a full lunch, and a substantial afternoon snack are recommended for a full day of care. More food may be required if a child is in attendance for a longer period of time.
Parents of Daycare and Junior Kindergarten children are responsible for providing all of the food for their child.
School-Age children will be expected to save something from their school lunch to eat as an after school snack. If you prefer to leave snacks at the Centre for your child, you are welcome to do so.
Parents of children in the infant/toddler program will be responsible for providing all of the food for their child.
We occasionally cook with the children, or bring special items for them to try. Parents will be informed of any food or drink that are fed or provided by staff. Allergies will be considered.
Please save candy, juice boxes and junk food for home.
Play clothing should be worn by children attending the Children’s Centre, so as not to restrict your child’s involvement in any activities (ie. Painting, gluing, sand play). The Children’s Centre does not guarantee that clothing will not get accidentally soiled or damaged, and will not be held responsible for replacing damaged clothing.
The children and Educators go outside EVERYDAY (sometimes twice) in ALL weather. Appropriate outdoor clothing should be supplied on a daily basis. This includes a toque, 2 pairs of mittens, snowpants, and warm winter boots for winter, or a sun hat and shorts or light clothing in the summer. Having the appropriate outdoor gear makes our outside time more enjoyable for everyone.
Indoor shoes or slippers should be supplied on a daily basis, and should be worn for protection, or to go outdoors in case of an emergency.
Affordable Child Care Benefit
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has a special fund called the Affordable Child Care Benefit, which is available to help families cover the costs of childcare. A simple income test will determine if you are eligible to receive these benefits. Many families qualify, since the income threshold is $111,000.00 per year. Please check out the program application at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/caring-for-young-children/child-care-funding/child-care-benefit/apply
Parent Involvement
Parents are welcome to drop in to spend time with their child at any time during the programs. We welcome any assistance a parent can give, or any talent a parent can share.
As a non-profit society, we will be faced with the task of fundraising at times to meet our expenses. Parent assistance with fundraising is necessary and very appreciated.
Field Trips
The Children’s Centre programs will occasionally have the opportunity to participate in field trips away from the Centre. You will receive prior notice of a field trip, and will be asked to sign a permission slip so that your child can participate.
Please indicate on the registration form, if you give permission for us to use your child's photo (not name) in promotional material including our website.
You will periodically receive emails. You will be expected to read the emails in order to stay informed about Children’s Centre activities. Please take time to read the bulletin boards too.
If you have a concern or comment about the Children’s Centre, the staff would be happy to have your input. If they cannot help you, please see the Director. The Director may refer you to a Board Member if unable to be of assistance.
To make informed decisions may at times involve sensitive, private information. We have the responsibility to request only the information legitimately required to make these decisions. Information will be requested on a need-to-know basis and the confidentiality of this information will be maintained.
Children offer alternative ways of knowing,
not inferior ways of knowing.